Mobile carrier Sprint hosts green installation project at their Flatiron Retail location


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Sprint has dedicated a portion of its retail space in the Flatiron building in NYC to an installation art project meant to demonstrate their commitment to “environmental responsibility balancing technological development with green initiatives.”

The installation has an element of performance art in that artist Gwyneth Leech draws on used (but clean) paper cups and hangs them and encourages onlookers to make their own creations.  The performance of sorts takes place from 11-2p Monday to Friday through December 31st.  Leech’s creations are available for view on her blog,

Read more about the project  on

[APP] The Eatery holds a massive health experiment

As reported by TechCrunch a new app from Massive Health is harnessing the recent consumer trend in mobile food spotting to put a new spin on personal diet diaries in their iPhone app The Eatery.

The concept is simple, snap a picture of what you eat and then rate it on a scale of “fit to fat.”  The food data is then measured and presented in an infographic interface to let you micromanage your eating behaviors.  In addition the application adds an element of crowd-sourcing by asking other users and friends to rate your food.

Start-Up Driven Motown Revival In The Making?

I’m a huge fan of Motown music.  I  make regular visits to street fairs, vendors and cult record shops feeding the expensive habit of collecting LP’s.  However, until this past year, I’d never made a trip to the Detroit itself.  However, now that my soon to be wife is from that area, I’ve been there a lot and am quickly discovering hidden treasures and falling fast in love with the area.

That said, I was happy to read a recent article in TechCrunch indicating that a much-needed revival may be afoot.  No it’s not from the automotive industry but from the start-up sector.

Everyone know  the city has been hard.  Real estate prices are about as low as they can get and unemployment was at 15.7% in July according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  However, the city is rich with history, American pride, cool industrial buildings, empty factories and some of the best sliders known to man. Thank you Hunter House.  All the makings of the next hipster scene…let’s hope not.

With the median house price at $6,000 at the very least it could keep overhead down and give Angel Investors (aka parents looking to get Gen-Y’s out of their basement) a quick solution.

@CondeElevator has the twittersphere a buzz

@CondeElevator has the twittersphere a buzz.

[CONCEPT TECH] Augmented Reality Windshields

Imagine the possibilities with augmented reality windshields.  The folks at Aeon Project have done just that.  Design team Akki Reddy Challa, Fabien Chancel, and Michael Harboun developed a concept technology that allows would-be drivers to interact with their vehicles through AR to call up steering wheels, maps etc basically creating the “autonomous car.”

Just think about the opportunities  for advertisers and the inevitable liability lawsuits to follow.

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